
Animated movie with the topic "relationships"

Still Still Still Still Storyboard Storyboard Working sketch

Together with Felix Würschinger, Marcel Seelig and Attila Primus I created the animated short movie weg.e. My part of the work was concept, story line, storyboard, editing and sound editing. The film shows how two people meet in a big city and shortly after lose each other, but finally find together again. The movie won the 2nd place of the short film competition hosted by "Dachverband der steirischen Jugendwohlfahrtsträger" (umbrella organisation of the Styrian youth welfare services) on January 20, 2011.

weg.e on Vimeo

Felix Würschinger: Concept, animation
Marcel Seelig: Concept, street map, animation
Attila Primus: Icons
Christoph Mauerhofer: Concept, story, storyboard, editing, sound editing